This summer, I will be going to Shantou, China, which is located in the southeastern most province, called Guangdong. In my time there, I will be teaching English in the summer program at a local school of elementary aged children. Shantou is a city that has over 1100 years of history, starting sometime during the Song Dynasty. It is now a prominent port city where over 4.9 million people live and work, making it one of the most densely populated places in China. It is a city made primarily of industry, large with exports and factories that house tens of thousands of workers. Much of the population lives in relative poverty, taking factory jobs and working many hours of the day. This leaves parents on assembly lines and children taking care of their siblings at home. This job will allow me to reach out to the local children at the Rong Chang Hope School, many of which do not have much of a summer outside of the programs offered through the school. I will teach these children English as well as play games and allow them to enjoy their summer.
My internship will start June the 28th and will last until the final week in August. I will be embarking on many firsts this summer: my first time in Asia, my first job overseas, and the first time I will have spent an extended period outside of the US. At Rong Chang Hope School, there is a general openness to Christianity, but a strict adherence to ancient traditions and ancestor placation. It is a hard ground, but the Lord has begun His tilling in China. I will also be living and commuting with the local people, giving me many chances for interaction and cultural experiences.
My budget for my time is a flexible blessing: the company I am to work for has footed the bill for my round trip ticket. What lies ahead is $500-650 left in support to raise, which will pay for food and general expenses while in China. Most of all, I need prayer to support this time. Specifically, I need prayer for:
>the logistics of the trip and travel process
>the visa application process and verification
>Shantou, as foreigners are a rare occurrence in much of the city
>the language barrier and an ability to work around it
>my job in teaching and playing with children and that it would always be to the best of my ability
>the preparation I need for my heart, head, and spirit
>the fun, the experiences, and the relationships that I will make
>living with nationals and learning from their lives
>learning all that I can from my experiences
Thank you so much in advanced for all the support you are giving. "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." (John 1:12-13). These are His children and, with your support, I will work to show them that in all that I do. It is my honor and excited privilege to work this job in the coming summer and share all that I learn with you.
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